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Michael Atkinson

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Michael Atkinson


Help me help young Australians with high care needs. 

I am undertaking the Youngcare Simpson Desert Challenge in 2021 to raise invaluable awareness and funds to help young Australians who need disability housing and assistance.

This 250 kilomatre trek will be a daily mental and physical challenge, but it is one that will have a profound impact on the lives of young people with high care needs and their loved ones. The completely isolated environment provides a striking reflection of the challenges that young people with high care needs face on a daily basis.

By donating to our trek team, you are helping Youngcare to:

  • Build more relevant and age-appropriate housing in Australia
  • Provide information and support via our Youngcare Connect service
  • Provide grants to young people with high care needs who are at risk of entering aged care to keep them at home, or transition them from aged care back into their community
  • Undertake world-first research to better understand the needs of young people with high care needs.

Thank you for your support of our amazing trek team, who have dedicated themselves to taking on the Simpson Desert Challenge to help fight for those who need it most.  . 

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Suitable and appropriate supported housing is one of the greatest areas of unmet need for people with disabilities in Australia. Currently, there are thousands of young people being left behind in aged care, hospital rooms, rehabilitation centres – institutionalised accommodation – simply because there is nowhere else for them to go. Youngcare is a not-for-profit organisation creating choice and independence for young people with high care needs by providing fully accessible and age-appropriate living spaces, grants for equipment, home modifications and support through a national phone line. Youngcare is boldly tackling this national issue by acting as the conduit for industry, government and community to work together to bring much-needed change to the disability housing sector. Together we are creating a future where every young person has the freedom and choice to live the young lives we all deserve. Youngcare’s Grants programs bridge the gaps, by funding not only ‘reasonable and necessary’ disability items and services but those that provide further choice, independence and quality of life for young people with high care needs.

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